The Ultimate Back to School Guide for Students

The Ultimate Back to School Guide for Students

When summer break ends, many parents and students end up in a last-minute hassle to gear up for the new term. Whether you need to stock up on school supplies, plan your daily schedule, or pre-empt the innovative concepts, you will be learning—gearing up for the upcoming school year can be overwhelming. 

However, planning can save you from wasting energy and time on minor things. If you are struggling to keep afloat with the burden of back-to-school preparations, then don’t worry. 

We have got your back! 

Here are some valuable tips that can help you prepare for the new school year, even at the eleventh hour.

Fix your Sleep Routine

Summer break often means Netflix, chilling all night, and getting up late the next day. As a result, when the time comes to go back to school, it is no surprise that you feel sleep deprived and cannot feel the same level of enthusiasm as you did before the summer break began.

It would help if you tried to restore your pre-summer holiday sleeping schedule. You can fix your sleeping patterns a week or two before the new term starts. This way, you will not feel sluggish on the first day of the new school term and will regain your motivation levels. 

We recommend you return to your regular sleeping pattern one week before starting the new school term. By doing this, you will already be back on track to getting up early when the day comes.

Set Goals

Before you return to school after the summer break, think about why you are pursuing your education and the goals you wish to achieve. You can jot down your aspirations on paper and stick them to a wall in your room. 

For example, if you are taking A-levels this year, it can be a promising idea to list all the subjects along with what grades you aim to achieve. Reading your goals daily throughout the year will motivate you to work diligently and up your educational game. 

However, keep your targets achievable and realistic, so you do not feel disappointed.

Windup Summer Homework

Many students get homework to complete over the summer break. In case you have been given summer homework, you must complete it beforehand to avoid submitting sloppy work. 

However, if you are in a state of panic about leaving homework assignments for the last minute, you can sign up with an online tutor to help you out.

Get Your Juices Flowing

It doesn’t matter if you have decided to stick to subjects you were doing the past year or have opted for new ones; it will be beneficial to spend a couple of days or hours revising the previous term’s study material. 

Take a fresh look at your essays, notes, and test papers to reinvigorate your memory. 

Skimming through coursework of the prior year will strengthen your concepts and boost your self-confidence. The revision may also come in handy if your teacher takes a mock exam at some point.

Do the Spade Work

Another great way to gear up for the upcoming year is to go through the syllabus outline for each subject you will be studying. 

Each subject-specific syllabus outline will give you a rough idea of the essential elements of the course, such as topics, a weekly schedule, a list of assignments, tests, and the marking scheme.

The syllabus outline will help you do some groundwork before kickstarting the new term. If you find something entirely new or challenging, you can always hit the internet and read up to find an introduction to the topic.

Reading the syllabus for the year ahead will mentally prepare you for what is about to come.

Stock up on Books and Stationery

Once you have mentally prepared yourself for the new term, you can now focus on practical matters. Firstly, refer to the syllabus outline and try finding out if you need any specific textbooks for the new term. 

If the answer is yes, then it will be best if you get hold of a copy of each book that is mentioned. Once you have the books, do not forget to write your name inside to avoid losing them. If you cannot afford to buy new books, you can always get used books from a pass-out student or an old bookstore to save some pounds.

Now that you have the required textbooks, you can buy new stationery such as a calculator, pens, pencils, highlighter, ruler, sticky notes etc., to make learning more enjoyable.

Sort Out your Wardrobe

Nobody wants to wake up for the new day at school to find out that their clothes have holes or are not their size. Since the summer break is about to be over, now is the time to invest in a new school wardrobe.

Check your closet and see if you need any other accessories, clothes, or shoes. Even if your school does not have a particular dress code, it is better to wear clothes that are not shabby. Make sure your clothes are comfortable, tidy, and weather appropriate. 

Organize a Study Space

Your room is bound to get chaotic during the summer break. Reorganizing your room is a fantastic way to prepare for returning to school. You can choose a corner to make a little study space for yourself where you can do your assignments. 

Make sure you clean your desk. Organize your files, textbooks, stationery, and other school supplies so that it is easier to find them. You can also use sticky notes to remind yourself of the test dates and when homework is due.

Enjoy it While it Lasts.

The summer break has almost ended. You can try making the most of what is left of it by treating yourself with some relaxing me-time before you face the challenges of the new school year. Remember, holidays are to have fun. 

Since you have a hectic school year ahead of you, try stepping into it feeling calm and composed. 

In case you need help deciding what subjects to choose or have a pile of summer homework to deal with, feel free to sign up for a one-on-one counselling session with Eximus Education. 

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