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Professional tutors
at a price you can afford

We hire only the most qualified, professional, and passionate British-curriculum
trained tutors to empower our students to achieve their dreams.


Acceptance ratio

checked and vetted

equivalent checked

Our tutors


Premium professional tutors made
59% more affordable


Using professional teachers and not just
side-hustlers/university students


A huge volume of vetted tutors across
All subjects and all levels including
STEM and the Arts

Join our team of elite tutors

Are you a highly skilled tutor in your field? Do you excel academically and have a strong
passion for teaching? If yes, Eximus Education invites you to explore the opportunity of
becoming a private tutor with us!

Hiring only 1 in 200 applicants

With an acceptance rate of just 0.5%, we are highly selective in recruiting only the best
tutors for our students. Unlike most agencies, we take the time to personally get to
know each of our tutors and work towards building long-term relationships with them.

Your journey with us

We go to great lengths to ensure that our students receive only top quality tutoring.
That’s why, each of our tutors undergoes the following onboarding journey
before becoming a valued part of our family.

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Email your CV to info@eximuseducation.com and our team will get in touch with you.

We welcome tutors who:

  • hold degrees in their respective subjects
  • have relevant online teaching or classroom teaching experience
  • have relevant certifications and a strong academic background

Our sessions take place via Zoom or similar platforms, offering video conferencing, interactive whiteboards, and live chat for engaging interactions.

You will require a computer or tablet equipped with a webcam, microphone, and a stable internet connection. Our platform is user-friendly and does not necessitate specialised software.

We offer comprehensive support, including training on our online platform, ongoing professional development opportunities, and a dedicated support team available to assist you with technical or tutoring-related issues.

Our online tutoring company covers a wide array of subjects, ranging from Mathematics and Sciences to languages, humanities, and more. You can select the subjects that align with your expertise.
